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A blonde woman heard that milk baths would make you beautiful. She left a note for her milkman to leave 15 gallons of milk.
When the milkman read the note the felt there must be a mistake. He thought she probably meant 1.5 allons, so knocked on the door to clarify the point. The blonde came to the door and the milkman said, "I found your note to leave 15 gallons of milk. Did you mean 15 gallons or 1.5 gallons?"
The blonde said, "I want 15 gallons. I'm going to fill my bathtub up with milk and take a milk bath."
The milkman asked, "Pasteurized?"
The blonde said, "No. Just up to my tits."

Q. What is the difference between a supermarket trolley and a Blonde?
A. The supermarket trolley has a mind of its own.

What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket ?
Rebel without a clue.
- A Redhead

How do you get a blonde pregnant?
answer: If you don't know that your dumber than the blonde!!!!!! sister of blonde 16.07.98

The easter bunny, santa clause, a leprechuan, a smart blonde and a dumb blonde were all in a boxing rink. there was $100 in the middle. Who got there first?
The dumb blonde. All the others don't exist.
Dave 02.05.98

A blonde went into a junk store and said, I want to buy that t.v. And the man said i don't sell to blondes.So she went home and dyed her hair rad and came back ans said' i want to buy that t.v. and the man said i don't sell to blondes and she said why not and he said thats not a t.v. its a microwave.
I'm a blonde though. 01.06.98

What do you have if you find a blonde skeleton in your closet?
Last years hide and seek winner!
Rose 23.03.98

A smart blonde, a dumb blonde and Santa Claus were walking down the street when they spotted a ten dollar bill. Who picked it up?
The dumb blonde; the other two are fictional characters.

Q:What do an intelligent blonde and a UFO have in common?
A: You hear about them all the time but you never really see one.
Tami, very blonde and loving the disguise!

Why did the blonde throw away all the brown M&M's?
She was allergic to chocolate.....
(Keirsten age 10) Blonde as could be!!!!

Why are there so many blonde jokes?
Because Brunette's have nothing else to do on Saturday nights.

A blonde is driving down a road and sees in the middle of a grassy field, a dumb blonde rowing a boat. She pulls over, gets out of her car and yells :
"Hey you, what do you think you're doing?".
The blonde in the boat answers back
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm rowing a boat."
Of course there is no water around...the first blonde yells to the blonde in the boat
"You know, its dumb blondes like you that give the rest of us blondes a bad name."
The blonde in the boat stands up and yells back,
"Hey, you want to make something of it? You come out here and just try."
The first blonde says, "Well, I would...if I COULD SWIM!!!!"

What do you call it when a blonde dyes her hair brunette...?
Artificial Intelligence!

Two Blondes were driving to Disneyland. At an intersection they saw a roadsign that said: "Disneyland Left".
So they turned around and went home.

Whats the mating call of a blonde??
Im sooo drunk
Theresa Cook

Why did the blonde have bruises on her belly button?
Cause her boyfriend was blonde too. :)


Why are all blonde jokes one liners????
So men can remember them!
Mandy in Sydney, Australia

A blondine teacher asks Jamie in the class:
Jamie , if there are five birds on the windowsill and you shoot one, how many birds are there left?
Jamie: Miss, if I shoot one the other four fly away, so ther is none left.
Blondine teacher: Well, Jamie, actually there are four left, but I kind of like the way you are thinking.
Jamie: Miss, now I have a question for you! There are three women with an ice cream cone: One ist biting the cone, one is eating the icecream and one is licking the ice cream cone. Which one is the married one?
Blondine teacher (slightly embarassed): Jamie, could it be the one who is licking the ice cream?
Jamie: Actually, Miss, it is the one with a wedding ring on her finger, but, I kind of like the way you are thinking.!!

A Blonde is looking in a Box of Cheerios.
"Oh look, Donut seeds!"
Marion Greulich

How many blondes does it take to make chocolate-chip cookies?

10. One to mix the dough and nine to peel the smarties.
Matthias Karl

How can you tell that a blond has been using the computer?

When there is white-out all over the screen.
Russel Liptons son submits the joke

Why can't a Blond work in a M & M candy factory. ?

Because she will throw away all the W's.

(Jeremy age 9)

What do you call a Blonde with half a brain?


How do you change a Blonde's mind?

Buy her another beer!

What do Blondes do with their arsholes in the morning?

Pack their lunch and send them to work!

How do Blondes turn the light on after sex?

Kick open the car door!

Why is it good to have a Blonde passenger?

You can park in the handicap zone!

How do you make a Blonde's eyes light up?

Shine a flashlight in their ear!

What do you call a Blonde in a university?

A visitor!

Why is a Blonde upset when she gets her driver' license?

Because she gets an F in sex

Why do Blondes go up and down in the shower?

Because it's "wash & go" shampoo

e-mailed by Rainer Wolf

What do you call an intelligent Blonde?

A Golden Retriever!

Said a man to a blonde, "I'll bet you ten cents I can kiss you on the lips without touching them."
"You're crazy," said the blonde. "That's impossible. Here's a dime that says you can't."
The two dimes were placed on the mantelpiece and the man then enfolded the blonde and for ten minutes kissed her passionately, intimately, and moistly.
She broke away at last, panting and disheveled, and said, "You did nothing BUT touch my lips."
The man pushed the dimes toward her and said, "So I lose."

What do you call a brunette who makes fun of a blonde's driving?
Road kill.
Janet Mitchell Fishel

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