I bet you have the cutest baby ever. At least all the other parents I know by now think so - only till they have seen my daughter! I have just worked on the english layout of this page and now I'm really tired. My only tip before I go to bed (has 3 parts)

I found a nice link for beginners:
Malini's diapering tips
Diapering Tips

I have a tip you can use for the newborn page...
share sleep and breastfeed on demand
and one for pregnancy...attend a la leche league meeting before the baby is born!

Dressing Baby
Put socks on the baby's feet before dressing them in a footed sleeper; it helps keep their feet from slipping out.
If you don't have mitts to keep them from scratching their face, use socks there too.
Fawn 05.03.1998

I keep a small spray bottle filled with water & baking soda on the changing table. I give a couple of squirts during the diaper change. It keeps my baby VERY clean AND the baking soda is a drying agent that prevents diaper rash. I have only used ointment a few times and my baby has never had a rash! It is an inexpensive and natural solution offered by my doctor.

Potty Training:
I have three children, 15, 12, and 9, so they are way out of the potty-training stage. However, I think my tip on potty training works great (it did for me, and two of my kids are boys!)
When they turned 2 years old, I would get out the potty chair and make a big fuss about how nice it is. I would let my kids sit on it with their clothes on and try it out for a couple of weeks before I got to potty training.
First, buy some underwear that is pretty (for girls) or cool (for boys). Oooh and ahhh over them! By the time they are two, they know it's time to get rid of the diapers, so I didn't have to make a big speech.
Now here's my trick:
I would put the underwear on my children and ask them if they needed to go potty. What do you think a 2 year old would say? "NO!" So, I would make sure I was VERY BUSY, and of course they would wet their pretty or cool underwear. Yuck! How wet they would feel! Then they would come up to me and say "Mommy, I'm all wet! Change me!" I would calmly say, "Mommy is busy now, just a minute", and I would remain busy while they felt how uncomfortable it is to be wet.
I guess the key I'm trying to make is this: Don't run and change their clothes (even if they pooped!) They will figure soon enough that it is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE to be wet and/or dirty. Then, they will want to use the potty!
It worked for me!

F i r s t  P a g e T o C a r o l a G u e s t b o o k